Friday, May 11, 2007

Poetry: Selected Haiku

Haiku, a Japanese form of poetry, is very effective sometimes at succinctly expressing/elicting certain feelings and thoughts. It's one of my favorite forms to write and to read (short is good when reading poetry, no?) ;o)

While I do try to stay as close to the traditional form as possible, sometimes I do take minor liberties (I personally don't like those 'haiku' where people take too much license and more or less completely ignore the form - there's a reason for it, and if you cannot or will not stay within it, then, in my view, what you're writing is no longer "haiku"). I hope you don't feel I go too far out.

Anyway, here's a few of mine for ya'll to check out...


a dark winter's night -
heaven's mirror reflecting
on the face of god.


fleeing butterfly;
a warm summer's day takes wing
with a child's delight.


oh! how heaven blazed!
love's arrow has me smitten,
blinded, i'm amazed.


fear reigns in silence,
heavy darkness brings the night;
children softly cry.


warm sunlight beckons;
a seedling, reaching upwards,
tries to grasp the sky.


touch the rose of love -
pricked, we bleed upon our sleeves;
cut, we hide the scar.


spellbound she holds me,
sweet mysteries unfolding,
she reigns over me.


we cry, denying
results of our decisions;
destined to defeat.

we seek, not finding
the answers to our questions
lying at our feet.


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